Badamo's Pizza


Eating pizza while standing up - a novelty in Pittsburgh. Two standing table tops to the left, and two to the right. Badamo’s is more take-out than eat-in. Most people wouldn’t be in there for more than 10 minutes. The price is right.

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Of the pizza, the NY slice was my favorite, because I could fold it. I tried to fold the Sicilian and it wouldn’t fold. The square slice’s crust was great and tastier than the NY slice, but I am more of a convenience person. Fold it up like a croissant. Of course I got a Diet Coke with the pizza - it’s a great combination. Brings out the taste. The fizz cleanses the palate. I was surprised one 12oz can of lasted 2 slices, although I was left wanting more.

Badamo’s is not Pizza Hut by any stretch of the imagination. It is a very modest place. I can see why people gravitate to it. They walk in and walk out with their pizza as take-out because there are no seats. I’d like to see DiGiorno top this - in their dreams.

As I drove back to the studio, I pondered the mystery of how I got grease between my fingers.

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VaultArt Studio